New song doesn’t even have a name yet
FINAL VERSIONS (in Progress)
Demos (in progress)
Original Demos Archive
12/6/24 added Akai_1 bass demonstration video
6/9/24 added new video demo section (temporary) with basic bass patterns for ‘Boom Boom Room’ and “Burns Hella Bright”
6/9/24 added bass only demos for “Boom Boom Room” and “Burns Hella Bright”
5/21/24 updated Waiting and Demon Divine with new bass, kybrds, finished vocals (3) on DD. Vocals on Waiting are still scratch. Guitars need reamp
4/23/24 added new version of Waiting with un-reamped yet edited bass and recent keyboard adds, also: finished drums
4/7/24 added new version of Demon Divine (FINAL) with scratch vocals/bass, direct pedal guitar sound and new KEYBOARDS.
3/19/24 updated keyboards on Make-a the Moolah and Stone Cold
3/17/24 updated Dirty Hands with demo keyboards
3/14/24 updated Curtain Call with demonstration keyboards
3/12/24 Stone Cold Updated with demo keyboards
3/11/24 updated Demon Divine (guignolfest demo) with demo keyboards
3/10/24 updated Makea the Moolah to include Jairus keyboard ideas in “FInal Versions”
2/8/2024 1. Keyboards added to WAITING (Demo) 2. Keyboard added to Autumn (FINAL) (likely scratch track)
1/30/24 doubled Vocals added to ‘Waiting’ Demo
Waiting: 1/23/24 added scratch guitar
AUTUMN: vocal 1 redone with tube mic because not enthusiastic enough. * Vocal 2 (red-howler) done and edited. Needs reamp. * Bass redone and re-reamped to reflect addition of funky riff
Curtain Call: Sent Jairus a mix and he is composing a kybrd part at home. Vocals 1 (sm7b) and 2 (TLM103) complete and edited.
We Makeah Tha Moolah: Vocal 1 (e906) and Vocal 2 (Red Howler reamped through pignose) done.
Stone Cold:
Dirty Hands: Adam Vocals recently added (tube mic).
You Gonna Die: No Vocals added yet. Guitar needs reamp.